Digital Ocean Kubernetes

Digital Ocean Kubernetes


Kubernetes at scale managed for you

Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service is a reliable and straightforward platform that empowers users to effortlessly deploy and manage their containerized applications. It provides a user-friendly experience, making it an attractive choice for developers and small to medium-sized businesses looking for a hassle-free Kubernetes solution. With Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service, users can efficiently handle the complexities of deploying and scaling applications without getting bogged down by intricate configurations.

One notable feature of Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service is its simplicity in both setup and pricing. Users appreciate the straightforward and transparent pricing model, which allows them to easily understand and predict their costs. This simplicity extends to the platform's intuitive user interface, making it accessible for those new to Kubernetes or container orchestration, eliminating the need for advanced technical expertise.

Another key reason for choosing Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service is its strong focus on community support and documentation. Digital Ocean has a robust community of users who actively share knowledge and experiences. This collaborative environment, coupled with well-documented resources, ensures that users can find solutions to common challenges and get assistance when needed. The combination of user-friendly features, transparent pricing, and strong community support makes Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service a popular choice for those seeking a straightforward and effective Kubernetes solution.

Feature Table Digital Ocean KubernetesDOKS

Initial Release

Dec '18

Max Pods per Node

The maximum number of pods on a worker node


Free Control Plane

Is the control plane free?

Control Plane SLA

What's the SLA for the managed control plane


Private Cluster

Ability to hide the API Server behind a private network

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