


CNCF Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing Platform


Jaeger is a widely used open-source distributed tracing system that assists developers and organizations in understanding and optimizing the performance of their applications. It provides a clear picture of the interactions between various components in a system, helping identify bottlenecks and issues affecting the overall user experience. Many users prefer Jaeger due to its simplicity, effectiveness, and strong community support.

One key feature of Jaeger is its ability to trace requests as they travel through different services and components in a distributed system. This tracing capability allows users to visualize the flow of requests, helping them pinpoint areas of latency and inefficiency. Jaeger's user-friendly interface makes it easy for developers and operators to analyze traces and identify performance bottlenecks, ultimately leading to quicker issue resolution and improved application performance.

Jaeger's broad ecosystem support is another reason for its popularity. It integrates seamlessly with various programming languages, frameworks, and platforms, making it versatile for a wide range of applications. The active community around Jaeger ensures regular updates, support, and a wealth of resources for users. Organizations often choose Jaeger for its accessibility, strong tracing capabilities, and the ability to integrate with diverse technology stacks, making it a reliable tool for optimizing the performance of distributed systems.

Feature Table JaegerJaeger

Initial Release

Aug '15

CNCF Stage


User Interface

Does it include a user interface?


Does it support the OpenTelemetry spec?


Where does the backend store its data?

In-Memory, Cassandra, Elasticsearch or Kafka


Does it process Traces?


Does it process Logs?


Does it process Metrics?


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