


OpenTelemetry-Native Traces, Metrics, and Logs in a single pane

SigNoz is a user-friendly and efficient open-source observability platform designed to help businesses monitor and troubleshoot their applications effortlessly. With a focus on simplicity and practicality, SigNoz stands out among its alternatives for its easy setup and intuitive interface. Users appreciate its straightforward approach to observability, making it accessible to both seasoned developers and those new to monitoring applications.

One key strength of SigNoz is its robust performance in tracking and analyzing application performance metrics. It provides detailed insights into response times, error rates, and latency, helping teams identify and address issues promptly. SigNoz is known for its versatility, supporting various data sources and providing a unified platform for monitoring different components of an application stack.

Moreover, what sets SigNoz apart is its cost-effectiveness. Being an open-source solution, it offers a budget-friendly alternative to expensive proprietary observability tools. Organizations choose SigNoz not just for its affordability but also for its reliability in ensuring applications run smoothly. In summary, SigNoz simplifies the complex task of observability, making it a popular choice for teams looking for an accessible, powerful, and cost-efficient solution to monitor and enhance their application performance.

Feature Table SigNozSigNoz

Initial Release

Feb '21

CNCF Stage


User Interface

Does it include a user interface?


Does it support the OpenTelemetry spec?


Where does the backend store its data?



Does it process Traces?


Does it process Logs?


Does it process Metrics?


MIT + Enterprise
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